St. Patrick's School Military Band
Set up on 2nd March 1953 as a bugle, fife and drum band, It became Singapore’s first school military band in 1957 and evolved into a concert band in the mid-1980s. Over the years, the Saint Patrick’s School Military Band has established itself as one of the most outstanding secondary school bands in Singapore. With the sustained records of achievements over the years, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has recognized and awarded Saint Patrick’s School Military Band as a Niche Programme School in 2007. In the recent Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) 2023 Arts Presentation, SPSMB continued to maintain the standard of excellence and added on to our 17 consecutive distinctions.

Yiau Chia Han Daniel
Nigel Leong Leng Khin
Into the Clouds! by Richard L. Saucedo
When the Stars Began to Fall by Fred J. Allen
Choose Joy by Randall. D. Standridge
Aiden Riley Lam
Alexander Yeo Zong Zhe
Andre Yeo En Le
Barrientos Nico Miguel Bejasa
Chang Ming Zhe, Warren (Zhang Mingze)
Chong Yu Da, Joseph
Chosson Leonard Yang-Jie
Chris Wong Zhe Lin
Danish Addha Bin Mawariddie Addha
Ezra Rui Yuen-Mahtani
Gabriel Lee Jun Yi
Gabriel Lim Sheng Hee
Isaac Yap Yu Qian
Javen Ho Kai Xuan
Javier Tan Yongjun
Koh Eng Kai Xanthus (Xu Enkai)
Laconi Adriano
Leroy Luke Lorimer
Lewis Yii Xian Ying
Liu Xingyu
Marco Hoo Yu Fong
Mikael Addha Bin Mawariddie Addha
Nguyen Dinh Huu Loc Sony
Ong Kai Hsuan Kaden
Park Taehyun
Pasupathy Kalaipriya Jairevanth
Rodrigues Damien Paul
Ryan Tan Yu Hang
Teichodome Yip Zhan Rong
Thaddeus Tan Jie Xi
Thaddeus Tay
Tristan Goh En Long
Zachary Chan Kye Feng
Zubin Ernest Nagarajan
Competition Time
25 July 2024 (Thursday)
YST Conservatory of Music Concert Hall
Outreach Performance Time
Note: Above information is correct at time of publication and may be subjected to change without prior notice.