Xingnan Brass Band
Ng Poh Miang
Xingnan Primary School first started her band in 1982 with only 20 members. To date, the band is strong and active with about 80 members. Xingnan Primary School Brass Band aspires to create music that reaches the listener's heart. She participates actively in local and overseas music exchange programmes to enrich her members' musical experiences. In 2017, Xingnan Brass Band embarked on an educational trip to Taipei, Taiwan. This opportunity enabled band members to interact with youth musicians across borders and to develop a deeper understanding of musicianship.
Performance Time
Thu Jul 26 2018 07:45:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Dare to Dream by Johnson Lee
Nottingham Sketches by Tracy O. Behrman / arr. by Jeffrey Ng
We have achieved
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