divisions & awards
Be rewarded with the #SIBFexperience!
Band Category | Ensemble Category
Division 1 - 3
Conductors may wish to refer to past SIBF performance videos to select the appropriate division for your bands to showcase the band's best performance ability.

The Concert Division
The Concert Division is the highest tier competition category of the Singapore International Band Festival. Selected bands are expected to present high quality engaging concert of up to 45 minutes with the option of incorporating non-musical elements such as video projection to enhance the overall performance delivery.
Please contact us directly for more information if you wish to take part in the Concert Division.

The cash prizes for the 8th Singapore International Band Festival are awarded as follows:

SIBF Trophy will be presented to the top scoring band of every division. Cash prize will only be awarded to the top band in Divisions 2B, 2A and 1 if:
there are at least 5 participating bands in each of Division, i.e., 2B, 2A and 1 and
the top band scores at least 80.00 marks.
For Concert Division, cash prize will only be awarded if:
there are at least 3 participating bands in Concert Division and
the top band scores at least 90.00 marks.
The organiser reserves the rights to disqualify and revoke all awards and cash prizes if a participating band infringes on any of the rules and regulations. All decisions are final and non-negotiable.