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Crescent Girls' School Symphonic Band

Tan Soh Hwa


Crescent Girls’ School Symphonic Band (CGSSB) was established in 1967 and first started out as a military band under the baton of pioneer music director Mr Lee Seck Chiang. Since its establishment, the band has evolved to become the symphonic band that it is today. Led by its current conductors Mdm Tan Soh Hwa and Mr Chua Tiong Hong, and with the guidance of its founder Mr Lee, the band has gone on to achieve excellence in the numerous competitions it has participated in throughout the years. As musicians, CGSSB constantly seeks to broaden its members’ musicality and expose them to various performing opportunities as “Et Bientot Le Meilleur – The Best is Yet To Be”.




Performance Time

Thu Jul 26 2018 03:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

The Bonsai Tree by Julie Giroux

Railway by Shin'ya Takahashi

We have achieved



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